Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Me and My Thumbie

Below is a preview of Me and My Thumbie, the next book of my "Monkey See, Monkey Do" series. Hopefully, I will get this book published soon so my 3-year-old will stop sucking her thumb.

Me and My Thumbie

My thumbie and I stick together. 
It keeps me safe and I feel better.
I’m not ready to give it up yet.
We’ve been through a lot, don’t forget.

When I was born, I yelled so loud.
That made my parents very proud.
The nurse wrapped me up so tight.
My thumbie was nowhere in sight.

Being next to mommy keeps me safe.
There’d be no reason to be afraid.
When my mommy isn’t near,
My thumbie is there to calm my fears.

When I fall and scrape my knee,
Fall off my trike or stung by a bee,
Or when the barber cuts my hair,
My thumbie calms me down anywhere.

When I’m afraid to try something new 
Using the potty or tying my shoes;
Or meeting new people I don’t know,
My thumbie helps me wherever I go.

Now that I’m older, I’m starting to see.
Sucking my thumb is bad for me.
Germs go in my mouth from my thumb.
Getting sick is never fun.

Kids tease me when I suck my thumb.
My baby days are over and done.
If I don’t stop, my teeth will look bad.
That would make me very sad.

Stuck to me like a shadow to the ground,
My thumbie is always around.
It keeps me safe with whatever we do.
We play, read, and sleep together, too.

Now I don’t need my thumb to sleep.
I have my teddy bear that I keep.
I like being as busy as a bee,
And having both of my hands free.

If I’m sleepy, I’ll find my blankie.
When I’m thirsty, I’ll find my sippy.
If I’m bored, I’ll find something fun.
Thumbs up for not sucking my thumb!

 Mimi Hoang Kuehn

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