Saturday, December 22, 2012

Learning the alphabet by heart

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As a mother of three young children, I was inspired to write a letter to and about the children of Sandy Hook. These children were denied a future of learning and growing. We can honor them by learning from the tragedy and hope a tragedy like this will never happen again.

Dear: Angels of Sandy Hook -
      Beautiful children that a monster took.
      Creating and learning while in school
      Dying from guns was mercilessly cruel
      Each of you were young and innocent
      Full of life and filled with reverence
      God sent you down for us to imagine
      How it's like to live in heaven.
      It's a place where we all belong
      Joy and laughter are never gone
      Kisses are plenty, and hugs are shared
      Love is found everywhere
      Maniacs with guns are not allowed
      No one dares to hurt you now
      Once in heaven, your pain is done
      Parents are hurting because you're gone
      Quiet yards and noiseless bedrooms
      Real reminders that the grieving continues
      Siblings are lost without their best friends
      Tears shed for you never ends
      Unyielding support from here and there
      Vigils held by those who care
      Why did a mad man become so hateful?
      X-ing off children, teachers, and your principal?
      Your time on earth was cut too short
      Zillion more things for you were still in store